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    Sample on Project Management

    Introduction to Project management

    A Project is a temporary program that has a definite beginning and end. The projects have a definite scope and a routine according to which it works. To undertake a project, an agenda is prepared about it where different decisions regarding procedures and steps that will be taken are decided. Similarly, the project management refers to application of various skills, ideas, tools and experiences to accomplish the project. The project management confronts various steps so that all areas that are necessary for completing a project properly can be covered. This covers major areas of like time, cost, scope, quality, resources, coordination, risk management and stakeholder management (De Bakker, Boonstra and Wortmann, 2010). Thus, the project management helps in carrying out the projects with all possible efforts so that less flaws can be made.

    For managing various risks related to project the PRM (Project Risk Management) is helpful. Various factors of a project contain a high degree of uncertainties that increases the risk element. Therefore, it becomes necessary to manage risks and develop plans to overcome them. Besides this, another factor that should be considered is EOP or End of Project. It is related to the final part of project when it comes to an end. This stage requires to have final documentation of current project with all formalities. On this basis, whole planning is done for project completion like planning, performing, directing and controlling (Heising, 2012). The present report reflects the project on Winter Hungama which is a social event specially organised to welcome the festive season of Christmas. The event is going to be organised at University campus. The report will be focussed at making plans and developing activities to accomplish the project.

    TASK 1

    1.1 Introduction of Winter Hungama

    The Winter Hungama is a social event that is going to take place as a welcome of festive season. The event has been organised at University campus which will be continued for 10 weeks period starting from 18th of October to 13th December.Till this period the event will have various functions to entertain the participants and audiences. There will be the arrangement of games and quizzes on various topics. Apart from this, there is a facility of refreshments as well for the participants and guests (Littau, Jujagiri and Adlbrecht, 2010). As per the whole programme, the budget has also been fixed to £150. the timing of various functions that will be held everyday is also fixed at 12.30 to 2.30 pm. Thus, there are various plans that have been made for the event.

    1.2 Outline of objectives

    The event of Winter Hungama is aimed at organising the programme for social gathering before Christmas season. The venue for this event is decided at University campus where the functions will be continued for 10 weeks. The event will have some light functions and entertainment so that more participants can be encouraged to take part in it. The event has also fixed some SMART objectives for this which are as follows:

    The major objective is set to seek for permission of Dr. Dhas who is the principal of college. To organise event at campus, it is necessary to take his permission.

    • To have large number of participants for the event by fixing the target at 10-20% more (Nicholas and Steyn, 2012).
    • To make plans for everyday functions so that event can be completed at set time period of 18th October to 13th December.
    • To get the confirmation of participants for the event before 17th October.
    • To get finalisation of Jag for event before 25th October.
    • To make arrangements for managing various emergency situations throughout the event.
    • To manage all the programmes of event within budget determined for it.
    • To make arrangements of refreshment from a quality supplier.
    • To assure proper inception and ending of project.

    The objectives set for event needs to perform different operations so that all functions that are going to be held can be accomplished without any barrier. For this, it is necessary that all functions are started on time. Besides this, for the purpose of providing refreshments, various suppliers were contacted. It was assured that quality is maintained in the food served to all guests and participants. As per the current case, it was evident that many functions that were planned completed in an appropriate manner while some had some shortfalls. The entire plan was mainly impacted due to improper implementation of the plans (Burke, 2013). Here, this stage necessitates that it is essential to execute project as per the project management approaches and models. This will help in proper planning, execution and control of project. The application of project management theory will help in proper implementation of project plans.

    The methodologies that can help in improving the performance of plan should be taken so that it can aid in proper execution. For this, the PMI approach can be of great help which is based on several systematic steps. As per the approach, the first step refers towards the initiating, the initiating step is based on basically generation of idea. At this very step, the generalised idea is studies and analysed to test its feasibility. If idea is found feasible, a manager is selected for the same and further actions are planned. After this, the project moves to further stage of planning where, managers and teams use to meet and make blueprint of project (What is Project Management?. 2017)

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    The event of winter Hungama can also go through this model where idea of Winter Hungama has been given a shape. As per the planning stage, managers and teammates can have meeting to formulate various actions like arrangements for various resources required in the event. Budgets can be set out along with fixing of venue and functions and managing risky areas that will be included within Winter Hungama. Further process as per the PMI approach will be focussed on execution. This stage will entail about various tasks that will be done as per the formulated plan (Lee and Yong, 2010). Here, pre arrangements will be made for the same by finalising participants, games, Jag etc. The next stage will be based on controlling part where project manager will supervise the activities of teammates and their work. This will ensure that work on project is going on as per the plan. The final part of this model reflects the closing part by reporting about whole project and termination is made.

    1.3 Benefits from the project

    Practical learning

    The project management done with the help of PMI approach is helpful in acquiring practical learning aspect. As per the project, it is managed and executed fully by team members for&nbsp people that can give entertainment and practical exposure. The team formed for this purpose was composed of individuals who were possessing skills and experiences of different fields. Various ideas shared by them was helpful in learning about various situation and solving them (Aubry and Hobbs, 2011). Besides this, a good link was built with various suppliers who were contacted for food supply. This gave the practical experience of arranging food that has high quality. In addition, the plans that were made for managing risks also helped in learning problem solving skills that can be helpful in various fields of personal and professional life.

    Teamwork and time management

    The most important learning which is essential to be developed for professional development is team work and time management. The schedules that were made for the project contained dead lines according to which it was decided that event should be completed before Christmas vacations. Apart from this, time was also decided for routine functions and programmes so that project cannot be delayed more than the expected time. Further, teams were developed with different talents and skills so that risky and challenging situation can be handled properly (Ika, Diallo and Thuillier, 2010). Risk factors were fire accidents, emergency due to health conditions of either participants or organisers, failure of any equipments etc. To manage all these situation a proper and continuous coordination along with communication was maintained.

    1.4 Scope of project

    Time scale

    The project was scheduled as per the proper time scale for each activity. The initial stage of opening ceremony along with development of project and allocation of resources was planned for which 8 days schedule was planned. After this, the major functions of budget plan, marketing and allotment of roles and responsibilities was done which took the time range of 10 days. Further stage was based on enforcement where primarily, the permission of Dr. Dhas was taken. As per this, various confirmations was taken from participants and jag before 16th October. All this plan will be completed in 9 days (Jafari and, 2011). Further plan is made for supervising and control process where different decision related managing costs, scope, risk management and stakeholder analysis will be undertaken which will take a longer time of 18 days. At the final stage, the plan will be reviewed and the contract will be terminated after completing all formalities.
    Budget and tolerance

    The budget plan is an essential part in the project management as all the events and programmes can be executed with the help of proper budget only. Therefore, it was decided that the budget for entire project will be £150. The tolerance refers to the upper boundary that is fixed for allowing the exceeding limit in time and cost to be on safer side. Here also, the management can set a limit of tolerance so that team will not have to take permission for enhancing the limit frequently from higher authorities (Laslo, 2010).

    1.5 Changes in plan with the justification

    There are various changes of the plan which help to task of the performance in systematic manner. In this way, the management of the university need changes in the Debate competition under which the between one student and one professor. On the other hand, this plan is changed by the management wherein they take the decision about the debate. They set the debate between two student with each other which will increase the motivation level because both the competitors are sale level.

    As per the above changes, management requires to modification in the changes under which they decide the student plays cricket or football. There after, the management of the university takes the decision that student play the some tissue game (Portny, 2010). In this way, team provide the some task to their participates under which they draw like different shape and pictures.

    The another changes in the game of quiz in which the team member play with each other. In this game, the head ask some question that are based on the general question and movie clips to their respected team under which the game is very interesting. Moreover, the quiz game help management to get the idea about the equ level of the student. If any case the team gives the wrong answer that they were passed as per the audience and viewers.

    Budget plays important role in every invent under which the whole event are changed by the management (De Bakker, Boonstra and Wortmann, 2010). In this way, university set the budget like £300 wherein management unable to manage the all the activities and refreshment due to insufficient balance.

    Impact of the changes

    The great impact of the all these changes are mentioned, the project manager requires to identity the key areas which need to correct the mistakes in the changes. In this way, the project executive takes the responsibility for effectively communicate among the individual which help to clear the confusion and solve the issues related to mismanagement is occurred in the event. Moreover, firstly the debate completion between the one student and one professor that will changed by the management that is debate between tow students. It positively affects the changes under which the competition at the same level. On the other hand, the another change in plan like football and cricket in which this game require the proper surface (Heising, 2012). Due to insufficient place, the team members not able to play the games and risk for the injured. As per the budget, it will exceed the balance so that the arrangement can be done by the management as systematic manner.

    1.6 Lessons learnt in the project

    As per the project plan is described above under which the reflects that the theories and models use in this plan. In this way, all the applications are implement in appropriate manner which help to manage the activities. The combination of the innovative ideas which convert into the realistic through the planing. The suggestion and ideas help to acquire the different tools and methods for planing of the project. On the other hand, the technique like project management process is used in the project plan. With the help of suggest theory, management reduces the barriers is occurred in the event and plan which help to develop the good plan (Nicholas and Steyn 2012). Through the advance technology like Whatsapp, individual easily get the information related to plan and share the among the team members. With the help of the stakeholders analyse, management identify the different needs and wants of them accordingly they manage the all activities. The highly possibility success in the project under which they use the shortcuts. It helps to save the time and create the effective plan and also save the cost of the project.

    1.7 Analyses of risk

    There are various type of the risk which is faced by the company which which include the error in machinery equipment, fire accident, fail the group member to work in any type of the emergency. Moreover, management of the organization takes the responsibility for removing these type of the risk and manage the problems at the work place. With the help of the option, management identify the risk and use the safety guidelines for solving the issues and risk. In this way, sickness and injury case wherein management provide the first aid facility to their injured people and rendering the safety arrangements (Burke, 2013). The another risk is fail to machinery equipment under which management gives the electrical safety to their individual. Apart from this, the unauthorised personnel create the various problems that reduce this risk with the help of security guards. It helps to secure the university area and student feel safe and secure at the work place. Henceforth, all these tool help to analyse the risk as well as overcome at the work place.


    The current event of Winter Hungama project had various loopholes at different stages. The project was done as per the PMI approach but the implementation was not done properly due to which various issues like less budget, changes in games, extended time taken for completion of project was faced. This could be overcome by setting a tolerance limit for budget and time. This helps in making a tolerance level as per the suitability from various aspects. Further, it is essential that managers make a close supervision for various stages and performances to manage the work more efficiently.


    The present report on project management refers to the various essential elements that are required to accomplish the event in desired manner. Here, a Winter Hungama which is a social event is planned to be organised. The plans have been made with the help of applying PMI approach that can help in proper and systematic planning for project. Due to some little loopholes, the completion of project was delayed than set time and food was also wasted as due to late arrivals many guests left before time. However, it was managed by making some changes in plans like serving of refreshments in middle and setting tolerance limits so that events can be started at proper time.

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    • Aubry, M. and Hobbs, B., 2011. A fresh look at the contribution of project management to organizational performance. Project Management Journal. 42(1). pp. 3-16.
    • Burke, R., 2013. Project management: planning and control techniques. New Jersey, USA.
    • De Bakker, K., Boonstra, A. and Wortmann, H., 2010. Does risk management contribute to IT project success? A meta-analysis of empirical evidence. International Journal of Project Management. 28(5). pp.493-503.
    • Heising, W., 2012. The integration of ideation and project portfolio management—A key factor for sustainable success. International Journal of Project Management. 30(5). pp.582-595.
    • Ika, L.A., Diallo, A. and Thuillier, D., 2010. Project management in the international development industry: the project coordinator's perspective.International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 3(1). pp. 61-93.
    • Jafari, M. and, 2011. Development and evaluation of a knowledge risk management model for project-based organizations: a multi-stage study. Management Decision. 49(3). pp. 309-329.

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